
Saturday, December 4, 2010

Thinking thoughful thoughts of thinks

It's on your mind. It never leaves. It just... Sits there. Being... There. It doesn't do much but bug you and make you want to pull it out of your brain yourself. It just bugs and bugs and bugs and makes you more and more and more and MORE AND MORE mad... And its not the thought that's making you mad, it's that you refuse to do something about it. Refuse to give in. Refuse to stop being stubborn because that's not strong. Well, why not be weak and let this thing die? There's no reason to keep pushing and being stubborn, whatever it is that you're being stubborn about... Either give up or give in... There's no point in dragging something out, ever. If it's not worth giving in for, give it up to someone else who will give in. That to me is love. That to me is strength. Weakness is stubborn. Weakness is giving up. Giving in is strength, and brings great power. If it's not your to give in to, it'll be someone else's to cherish.

Like Chuck-A-Rama, it's your choice, but unlike it, you only get one choice and can't feast on others choices if you're going to make the right one.

Food For Thought

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