
Thursday, December 23, 2010

Fredette Fre Real!

My Hero: Jimmer Fredette... P.S. This is WITHOUT and zooming in... He was LITERALLY a foot in front of me... :D

Davies on the dunk RIGHT before half! The guy in the suit is right in front of me and that's the UTEP coach!

Struttin' in his home... His house!
 Sweating like pigs. HD performances. Running up and down the court, trying to get that win, trying to please the crowd. Down by ten in the first few minutes. Come back. COMEBACK COMBACK!!!! All that's running through my head is that wonderful word. My cap is flipped out. What can I say? I'm a sucker for a good game. I'm also a sucker for a great seat. Well, who knew that you could sit ON THE COURT?!?! I sure didn't!!!! Until it happened. Like magic. My brother-in-law, Brian Grimmett works for CougTube, a sports program that broadcasts all of the BYU sporting events and it so happened that he owned an extra press pass that no one was using at the time. So he invited me. Now, I feel bad for missing Savior of the World and, of course, the one night I miss, Elder Neil L. Andersen shows up to talk to our cast, but it was  decision that I believe was for the better.
I learned so much about myself, my career and my dreams. Playing for BYU is now a dream. Something that I WISH I would've dreamed about before this so I could work harder to get where I needed too, but it was amazing to find out so much about myself! I learned what kind of heroes I have and how great the people of the BYU basketball team are! They were so studly in their press room questions. They answered them with ease and with confidence and very politely! They treated the opponents, UTEP as friends, not as foes. They never through a cheap shot and loved talking to them on and off the court.
Being in the press room was amazing. I want to do this for the rest of my life. I want to interview sports players. I want to sit at these games. This is a new goal.
I believe goals and dreams are of up most importance. With out one, you can't have the other, and without either you can't have a wonderful life.

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