
Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Find a Penny, Pick it up....

Hey family!!!

Some of this week was cool. I went on splits twice!

We had the biggest miracle with one of the Elders named Elder Williams. He's super cool but it was the biggest miracle I've seen. We prayed for revelation of where to go the next day in the rain and he recieved to go see this old preacher. So we went over there to see him and were talking with him and this random spanish guy out of no where comes up. Now, this is downtown Stockton and this guy is speaking 50 miles an hour. "I understood you're the mormon missionaries right? Well I've got something for you." So of course I look at Elder Williams freaking out as he reaches into his pocket and comes through the gate. Scared yet? Good! Well he comes up to us and it turns out he's a member, bashes with the preacher (not going back there again, burried that hatchet) and tells us he has a referral. Turns out he came down from Sacramento to pick up supplies and felt like he should come down this out of the way street, saw us and stopped. Here's the other thing, he had given this referral to them before but they couldn't find it. So he took us to this house to these people that accepted a Book of Mormon and baptismal invite. Miracle? Sure as heck! I also found a quarter, heads up of course, on the road outside their house. Miracles happen!

The rest of the week was as normal with little miracles all around. I learned I can't cut hair as I butchered one of those in my house. His hair is now down to a 1. Refer to the pictures sent home. haha

We got our transfer reports. I'm thinking I might be sent somewhere else in the mission next transfer :(...... They put on there that I should be a senior. I sure hope not :D I still have SOO much left to learn. Senior companion would be hard. I'm feeling I'll be a junior for a couple more transfers. I sure hope so!)

I love the mission. It finally hit me (I'm terrible, I know) what we're doing out here and it's made it SOO much better!

The gospel is true! God is our Heavenly Father. He loves us. We are saved through faith AND working towards getting a knowledge.

Elder Walker

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