
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Rough and Tough

Hola todos!

It was a great week number wise, but it was a tough week spiritually and physically. We hit almost all of our goals and set the standard in lessons taught and new investigators added, but unfortunately, we didn't see the work we had done on Sunday. Sunday is also known as SHOWTIME. Investigators must come to church 3 times in this mission to be baptized, so sunday is really the day that we find out the intent of people and how much they really want this church and how much they really want to change. Unfortunately no one came from our area. 2 weeks in a row up here. It's always so sad for me. I don't feel bad for us or anything just those great people we're teaching. I didn't understand why they didn't come. Last night I had a big night of pity party for Elder Walker. Then somethingit me. We hadn't taught any of them about the importance in church. My two amazing MTC teachers, Hna Tartaglia and Hno Patterson stressed teaching this because if they don't come, we can't do much. I felt really bad abouthow I had treated my faith and after using the wonderful power of the atonement, revelation started flowing, gushing into my mind. It's amazing how a small prayer with sincere intent can cause all kinds of feelings to be lifted! Oh the power of the Atonement of our Savior Jesus Christ.

Elder Thiessen is great. The Lord has really blessed our companionship these last few weeks. We had 8/9 investigators accept a baptismal invite. Now, once they come to church next week, they'll be what we call a firm, someone who's progressing and has a date set for their baptism. Ana, our firm, didn't come last week. So we have to re-firm her up this week and get her with a new date. Satan is REALLY working hard on her and he's succeeding. She's super strong and KNOWS that the church is true. She was going to come at 11:30 but in just one hour, the opposition took over!

Spiritually that was hard to keep up hopes but our Heavenly Father won't ever take away from us. He'll let us be humbled pretty great, but then he'll help us rise again through inspiration! He's really been here for me this week and prayer has become extra sacred to me. Something that I'm learning to do every second of the day.

Physically it was hard. I woke up last tuesday and couldn't open my jaw. haha that was pretty funny.... But it kinda hurt really bad as well! So I called sister Adams (medical coordinator) and apparently being able to play twinkle twinkle little star by the popping sounds from your jaw is NOT good.... Who knew? So apparently I have a severe case of TMJ. I can't really close the left side of my jaw but luckily I'm on the Lord's errand! He's blessed us with soft dinners everynight and has eased my pain to where it's not noticable at all during the day. It really helped my testimony of trials and errors. We're always going to have trials, it's one of our purposes here! We're always going to make errors during these trials. But the impotant thing is what happens after that. It's when we learn that we grow. We can't learn without these things. I love that docterine! Yay for church and stuff!

Life rocks out here, For real! Couldn't be happier out in the mission field :D Just pray we get some people to church! It would be great to see these people we love so much be able to feel more of the love their Savior has for them in His house!!!

Happy 4th of July! YAY INDEPENDANCE!!!!

Oh PS if you haven't made a account, I ask you why..? And plead that you will take the few minutes it takes to write down the gift of testimony we've been given to help someone else out in the world. I know you'll be blessed and those people will as well. Also, for those married, if you would like to know how you can help out with missionary work, read Elder Ballards Gospel Families talk... Amazing!! One of my favorites that has been given. LOVE IT!!!

and LOVIN' YALL!!!

Elder Walker :D :D :D

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