
Tuesday, September 6, 2011


They happened. This transfer FLEW by WAY too fast! We got all the work done we needed to I felt. We have 8 people that are set up to be baptized on the 24th of September. I know we'll have at least 4 or 5 and I'll explain why in a second :D. That was just a great gratifying feeling of knowing that next transfer we'll go into the transfer with about 4 progressing investigators, 4 with a baptismal date and 1 that we need to get to church with about 4 or 5 others that we've just started teaching.

And when I saw WE I don't mean Elder Thiessen and I. Unfortunately we won't be able to be together again. They're sending down a missionary named Elder Jensen. Also an Elder Moss is coming down to the apartment. Oh yeah guess where he's from? American Fork!!! I'm really excited to see him. This will be his 3rd transfer and it'll be great to be with a fellow AFER! Elder Jensen will be the senior for the first time in his mission! He sounds LEGIT! Elder Kelley is just raving about him so I'm very excited to meet him and to baptize like crazy! It'll be great to see so many souls brought unto the Lord this transfer. It's been amazing to see Lodi grow up and open up a lot. We've taken a lot of hits. Had a lot of heartaches and trouble. I've shed my first tears out in the field over here in Lodi for those that I've loved, but I'm so happy to be staying and to be growing. The young man that had a little dirty mouth has grown! He's the english district leader next transfer and has become one of my best friends out here. I love him and respect him so much. Also, our district leader for the spanish is one of my FAVORITE missionaries, Elder Call from Orem, Utah. I baptized his brother in the Mt. Timp temple without even knowing it until his brother wrote him about me. I love Elder Call so much and am so excited to follow him to the best of my abilities.

Quick fasting story. I have been fasting the past 3 months (not every day, just on fast Sunday :D) to have 4 investigators at church. I realized last fast Sunday that God wasn't going to do that because we hadn't worked as hard as we could've in July but this fast Sunday I felt like we had done work and had helped the work progress with all of our hearts! I was sitting there in fast and testimony meeting just praying my heart out because no one had showed up yet and all 8 had promised to come to church. I was so down but then remembered that if faith could move mountains, faith could bring people to church! So I just kept my prayer going and listened to the testimonies and something felt right. Just a peace. It was so great! Sitting by my favorite little 4 year old Hispanic girl, my carnala Danie and just sitting there was so peaceful like she knew something was going to happen. Then the phone rang out in the foyer and I ran out (not really ran, fast walk) and answered it. It was the family Hernandez calling to say they were outside the church looking for parking. I quickly grabbed the 2nd councilor and ran outside to guide them in. Guess how many people are in their family? 4. 4 of baptismal age. I couldn't help but say a quick silent prayer of gratitude. My faith was strengthened SO much that Sunday. They want to get baptized and they were just overwhelmingly loved by the ward. They will fit in great and be a great help to make this branch a ward!

I compared it to the lady who came to Jesus to ask if He could heal her daughter and 2 times he said no and basically said to leave twice but on the third he commended her for her faith and rewarded her with what she wanted and needed. I love that story SO much! It's inspired me and helped me SO much! I felt that the Savior finally gave me a small pat on the back and a hug for trying and for us putting our efforts in!

Love you all!

Elder Walker

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