
Thursday, February 24, 2011

Trust in the arm of the Lord...

This week was a great one... SO fast... Holy COW!!! It flew by.. But I learned so much! The spirit really humbled me EVERY SINGLE day.... It was rough, yet it was needed that's for sure. I'm sorry to say that I started to get really prideful about my Spanish because I was starting to really get things... Or so I thought I ME MY ME was starting to get things... Little did I realize at the time that it was really the spirit that was testifying straight to my spirit what I needed to know when I needed to know it! I was slacking off on my contacts (we go and bear testimony to other missionaries in the MTC and see if we can get into a time to teach them like an investigator) and I was not doing the things I needed to because I thought I was IT.... Ready for the field. Then we taught my teacher and I BOMBED because I was trusting in the arm of the flesh and not the arm of my Savior Jesus Christ.

So when I realized this, I decided to go on an English on Monday. I went the entire day without speaking English. Now I did speak 3 words of English, but I still felt good. I learned so much that day because I was showing the Lord that I was turning my missionary work over to him. Little did I know that my class liked the idea and decided to have a class English fast on Tuesday, so I actually got to try 2 days without English! It was so hard the second day, but I have no complaints... I've learned here that I LOVE the hard things... Every time the teacher asks who wants to teach, even though I know by myself I'm inadequate (dad correct that word por favor :D) with the Lord I am far above par. I love failing. I know that sounds so twisted but when I fail I learn and grow more than when I succeed. I've learned that it is only through failures that I triumph and that's the best attitude I've had in a long time!

We had an AMAZING devotional on Tuesday! It was so great! It was Elder Evans of the 70 and he really let us have it about missionary work. He was very up front and inspired me SO much! He was my favorite speaker so far because I have stepped it up since then 10 fold! I've learned to turn even my personal study time to the Lord and have focused that on my progressive investigators instead of my personal learning and I've learned so much more when I'm not focusing ANY of my time on me... Only my bed time... haha and it turns out, when you're totally in the service of the Lord, your body gets SO tired.... It's lights out when I hit the pillow.... Oh wow I wish you all could be here and learn with me! I told Joe, I wish I could have him as my companion but I hope my companions are like my brothers-in-law and my dad as well. If you all didn't know, it was dads birthday this past week! I hope you all called him because I was pining to sing off key to him!!!!!

Also this week I had a great experience at the temple. I was able to have this big tall Rawson guy conduct? ( I dunno what better way there is to describe the leader of the endowment session) But he was there and it was really cool to renew those covenants with him. I hope that's alright to say... He's one of my hero's and right when we entered the room, the girls in my district were excited because they KNEW he was going to be amazing and he was! He brings such a spirit to those meetings. I've yet to see Aunt Kathy... I went and looked for her, but was unable to find her! I hope someday before I leave I'm able to see her!

I hope you all are doing alright. I love each of you so much and I'm SO happy that you all have enough time to write! I LOVE hearing from you all and that's what makes my days perfect! The spirit of families is forever and hearing from you makes it perfect!

I NEED PICTURES OF MY FAMILY!!!! If you all could send me a great picture of your whole family and then the newer ones of my nieces and nephews that'd be great... If you'd like to send me a few of yourselves I would enjoy that as well... Headshots are acceptable :) I just want to see you all! And yes, mom and dad, that means you guys too!!!! Is Beth having a baby yet? Or Amy? Mom?

Well, I've got five minutes, so I just wanted to bear my testimony really quick in espanol! If grandpa can, I would love for him to read this and corrections are wanted but I can't write in Spanish on this computer...sorry!

Yo se que Dios es nuestro Padre Celestial y por que El es, nos envio su Hijo Amado, Jesucristo en la tierra a sufrir por los pecados del mundo. Yo se que Jesucristo es me Salvador y mi Hermano mejor. Yo se que este Inglesia, la inglesia de Jesucristo de los santos de los Ultimos Dias es la inglesia de Dios. Yo se que el Libro de Mormon es verdadero y Josef Smith es un profeta del Restauracion. Yo se que Thomas Ese Monson es un profeta a hora por los pueblos de la tierra y recibirle revelacion de Dios todos los dias. Yo se que mi mision es por un razon. Y un gran razon. Yo se soy en la correcto mision.


Love you all with all my heart and I miss you mucho!!!!!!!!!

Con Amor,
Elder Walker

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