
Monday, April 18, 2011

Preparing the way....

Hi everyone!
How're you all doing?! I miss you all very much but you're hanging over my bed so I can always see ya when I wake up!!!
This week was SWEET. Ok, it was super super tough. We got in some GREAT lessons, problem? Most of our appointments fell through. Our investigators didn't come to church. Our new investigators that looked golden cancelled twice. It was hard to do! But that's what missionary work is!

That was my testimony builder today, that even if we're doing all we can, being as obedient as possible, trying our best to be strictly obedient, the Lord isn't just going to give you people, you still have to go find them. He's put a lot of people in our way, now we just have to help them pray so that Heavenly Father can show them the way. We really don't do much. We say words and Heavenly Father does all the teaching. He's amazing! I've started to get tired of Catholics but, I figure I should get used to them seeing as EVERYONE is a Catholic. I don't understand why so many people claim themselves Catholic, without going to church and without knowing what they believe in. Catholics ARE Christians.... They believe in Christ as their Savior and God as our Heavenly Father.... I love them so much, but they confuse me constantly.
I love knowing and learning more and more and more about the church. It's so great! I love when people let us in and we teach and can just feel the spirit overcoming all of us. One lady, her name is Linda Washburn, she's a Jehovah's Witness (half of you just gasped, I know it) and she wanted to read the Book of Mormon (put your tongue back in your mouth) and she did with us and we asked her to pray at the end and she started crying, pleading to know if the Book of Mormon was true. It was amazing!
One funny experience was last night. We went on a 'blitz' which is where you split up people and go to their area and talk to them. So me and Elder Beeson found this Cambodian guy and talked to him. He WAS a member, but not active. He smokes, has a kid, drinks. So he said he wanted to come back and we were kinda beating around the bush and I just felt like I needed to be bold. So he had a cigarette in his ear and I told him, "If you want to change your life stop smoking, drinking and having sex. Clean up your life and pray. Get on your knees and let's pray right now, at your door." I was surprised that I'm still alive. I'm more surprised that we prayed. That HE prayed right there at the door. Phew!
Number two last night of boldness? This mexican guy (not racist to call people mexicans) was being all snotty to us saying that he kills people for fun and said he can't wait to die and go to hell with the devil and drink beer and stuff. I felt the spirit strong and told him, "Well my friend I can guarantee you that you won't be going to hell to drink beer or anything with Satan." He asked why and I said, "You have no idea who Jesus Christ is. You haven't spent the time to know who your Savior is. We believe that you need to know who Jesus Christ is perfectly and THEN deny Him to go with Satan. If you would like to know more about how you can progress like that and gain that testimony, call this number and come to this church." Elder Beeson and I left after that and the guy just looked stunned. Some white guy in a shirt and tie said that to him? We told him his Heavenly Father loved him and left and he said he respected us and would always have our backs. Cool :D I got protection down here!
This week was the hardest yet. Elder Rodriguez said it was one of the hardest he'd have but the tender mercies of letters, a little girl that looked EXACTLY like Becky (my sobrina) when she was younger and things like that keep ya going when the day is hard! Yay for friend testimonies :D
I love you all! Keep preparing for the work!
Elder Walker

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